Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Welcome to Digital Animation 2010

Here are some important links:

I. THIS BLOG: http://digitalanimation2010.blogspot.com

II. The Class Website is:

The Class Website has info about

1. our weekly SCHEDULE, production assignments, reading assignments and other important dates.

2. the class SYLLABUS, with general guidelines for the class, including attendance policy, dis/abilities policy, grading criteria, and other important info.

3. STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS for technical guidance on assignments

III. The CLASS BLACKBOARD SITE: http://tuportal.temple.edu/ --> BLACKBOARD

The CLASS BLACKBOARD SITE has downloads of readings and other materials for class. It also has a Communication link, through which you can email anyone in the class. It also has a GRADE CENTER, where your assignment and class grades will be posted.

I'm looking forward to an exciting semester,

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